Meet the need =
Save a Life

Dr. Campbell is a professional clinical provider who brings a unique, solution-focused consulting, counseling, education, and training approach to individuals, organizations, military personnel, law enforcement, humanitarian workers, and first responders.

Shifting the perspective on mental health to a proactive and positive approach.

Professional Suicide Intervention Training

Workshops & Speaking

Consulting Available For Individuals, Businesses & Organizations

Consulting Services

What is The Campbell Method®?

Educating organizations and individuals on successful methods to prevent suicide.

The Campbell Method® is an interactive intervention training developed by Dr. Victoria Campbell, PsyD, LCSW. She teaches individuals how to identify and conceptualize the suicidal mind and support a person in crisis. The act of suicide is a split-second decision. Suicide is not about dying… it’s about ending pain®.

After working with thousands of individuals, many of which who have attempted or considered suicide, others who have struggled with ideations for years, and families who have suffered a completed suicide, Dr. Campbell has learned that Meet the need =  Save a life™.

Providing solution-based mental health consulting, counseling, education, and training.

Law Enforcement, First Responders, Military Counseling

Licensed clinical provider for mental health support.

Trauma Therapy

Specialized in all forms of trauma including PTSD, MST, TBI, grief & loss

Couples Communication Training

A different approach to couples therapy

First responder looking out at mountains

Helping individuals overcome trauma

Public speaker, Veteran, educator, Doctor of Clinical Psychology and Licensed Clinical Social Worker

Dr. Campbell thrives in large-scale educational trainings, workshops, and public speaking events for companies and organizations. We are on a mission to reduce the suicide rate among military personnel, law enforcement, and other specialized populations. Dr. Campbell is highly experienced within the most extreme environments and seeks to bring this and many other skills to organizations and individuals alike. While offering 1:1 services, Dr. Campbell recognizes that she can maximize her efforts with broader outreach that includes public speaking events, trainings, and workshops.

Dr. Campbell has over 20 years of experience serving in and working with the military, law enforcement, and first responder community from a counseling, training, and consulting perspective. It can be difficult to find a provider who conceptualizes the challenges and fear associated with accessing mental health support within these professional fields.

A different approach to trauma therapy

Real Talk About Suicide

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