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Therapy sucks!

It is not uncommon for people to spend years struggling with mental health challenges. Eventually some people will seek therapy after years of negative ramifications associated with their challenges, some will avoid acknowledging that therapy could be beneficial, some will actively avoid therapy because they live/work in an environment where help seeking behavior is considered weak. It takes more personal courage to seek the support of a professional than it does to struggle in silence. Therapy is not easy… even if the therapist makes the process seem easy. Therapists engage with the individual in a way that draws out a person’s deepest fears, vulnerabilities, and then with patient engagement and through that process it is possible to see the light at the end of the tunnel. 

Benefits of therapy

Participating in therapy has the potential benefits of teaching individuals to learn tools and techniques that support the process of growth, change, recovery, and living a healthy life. Potential benefits of therapy can include better communication skills, improved sleep hygiene, increased satisfaction in life and an experience of happiness, feelings of empowerment, improved mental health functionality and productivity, improved relationships and interactions with others, improved physical well-being (reduction of chronic pain, increase in skill based stress management and anger management techniques). There are a variety of therapy approaches that practitioners facilitate: individual therapy, family therapy, couples’ communication training. The key to success is finding the right fit and being committed to the process… even when its painful. 

Therapy is like Home Depot

Home Depot is the place where you go to pick up the tools and supplies that you need when working on a home project, whether that is repairs, new construction, or demolition of someone else’s work. Home Depot is a great place to get what you need but it’s not someplace you want to live. Therapy is similar to Home Depot in that people may come in and wander around not knowing exactly what they need until they see it, sometimes you have to make several trips to get all the tools and supplies you need for the project, and sometimes when you have made the trip you have to turn around and go back the next week for something that you forgot. The therapeutic process is the same way… when you first come in you may not know what you need or are looking for… sometimes you will make several attempts at therapy before the process sticks… sometimes you will have success in therapy and then life will happen and you will find that you are missing the tool that you need … its OK… just come back… get what you need and get back out there… living a happy and healthy life, present in your relationships and all the journey of life has to offer. 

For more information on the process not being a lifelong process please feel free to reach out to us at