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What is Trauma?

Trauma is an emotional, psychological, intellectual and physical response to an event that can occur in someone’s life that can have both short term, immediate ramifications as well as long term reactions that can include unpredictable emotions, flashbacks to the event, strained relationships, headaches, nausea, panic attacks, just to name a few of the responses. As a clinical provider with more than 27,000 hours working as a trauma specialist one thing I have learned is that trauma is perceptive… what one person would acknowledge as a traumatic event for themselves is not necessarily what another person would recognize as a traumatic event for themselves. At some point in every person’s life an event will occur that impacts them in a traumatic manner. 

The theory of … So What…

Life is like a book… where your book is open is your present… your today… the left side of your book is a story that has already been written… it’s your past… and cannot be rewritten… the right side of your book is BLANK. I have worked with hundreds of humans who find themselves repeating a loop where they keep reading the same chapter in life repeatedly in an attempt to rewrite a story that cannot be rewritten. This process in turn often leads to a person getting stuck in their trauma. What if someone worked with you to write a summary to those chapters bringing you back to where your story has yet to be written?  This is where the theory of So What comes in… 

Getting Your Life Back…

The theory of So What is one where you question the point in life where you acknowledge that you have had a traumatic experience, you recognize the impact that unresolved trauma has on your daily life, and you take the action steps to take your power back from an event that has occurred but may not be CURRENTLY occurring in your life. The power is within you, the key is learning how to harness it and believe in yourself.

For more information on learning how to take your life back please feel free to reach out to us at