Creating proactive wellness, being self aware, and whole body wellness of staff.

Creating proactive wellness, being self aware, and whole body wellness of staff are just some of the things that Dr. Victoria Campbell and her team can help facilitate in your organization. Dr. Campbell has 13+ years of consulting experience with organizational leadership and organizations pursuing federal contracts within the field of behavioral health services. Many organizations struggle with employee satisfaction and retention. Dr. Campbell employs frank evaluation and assessment of organizational needs while offering solutions to overcome challenges that can exist within organizations. 

Employees are a company’s most valuable asset and a healthy staff can lend to the organization’s endeavors towards success. Companies that invest their operational costs in their employees, better maintain a human capital base that is healthy and happy, increasing recruitment and retention. 

Five Guys Jumping

Business consulting for entrepreneurs

Since starting her own counseling & consulting business, Dr. Campbell is passionate about helping other women-owned and Veteran-owned businesses and entrepreneurs through business consulting and coaching. This is for the individuals who are afraid of taking the risk, going into business alone, or who have a vision but struggle the confidence to put that vision into action. Dr. Campbell has experienced firsthand how people will take advantage of those who are just starting out.

Now she wants to help other individuals on the path of starting their own business.

There's a difference between a job and a career. The job is the thing you do to pay your bills. The career is the thing you can't believe you get paid to do. When you love what you do have, you won't work a day in your life. Dr. Campbell has experience with trademarking, copywriting, resource acquisition, confidence building, and how to develop a success mindset. She can also help with overcoming barriers to success, boundaries in business, and professional communication training.

Contact us to learn more

How do we help entrepreneurs?

Improving organization health & wellness, proactive health measures to recruit & retain high quality healthy staff. Creating proactive wellness. Being self aware. Whole body wellness of staff.

What we can help you achieve

Mental health is like any other challenge, some challenges are lifelong but that doesn’t mean you can’t manage them, your mindset is your most powerful tool.

Target Audience
  • Don’t want to take a risk
  • Don’t want to go it alone
  • Don’t know where to start
  • It’s hard for women in the business world
  • Women who don’t have confidence
Our Specialties
  • Confidence
  • Resources
  • What do you want to know
  • How do you bring things to fruition
  • What is out there
How We Help
  • Want to trademark things and don’t know how 
  • Have trusted the wrong people in the past 
  • Admitting and overcoming fears
Featured Benefits
  • Developing professional presence authentically
  • Overcome barriers to success
  • Professional communication training
  • General business consulting and coaching

A different approach to trauma therapy