Speaking & Workshops

Professional Suicide Intervention Training for organizations, military personnel, law enforcement, and first responders based on The Campbell Method® — Suicide is not about dying… it’s about ending pain™.

Business Consulting

We are passionate about creating proactive health measures to recruit & retain high-quality, healthy staff.

Law Enforcement, First Responders, Military Counseling

Licensed clinical provider for mental health support.

Trauma Therapy

Specialized in all forms of trauma including PTSD, MST, grief & loss.

Couples Communication Training

A different approach to couples therapy.

Reaching more people through organizational work

We are on a mission to demonstrate how to take a more positive and proactive approach to mental health care, Dr. Campbell and her team offer one on one counseling and are especially passionate about helping organizations through trainings, public speaking events, and workshops. Our goal is to reach, support, and educate people on a broader scale.

Don't give up You Matter and You are not alone signs