These resources are not intended to take the place of working with a trained, licensed, professional mental health practitioner.

Recognizing that there is a shortage of providers globally, these resources are meant to be readily accessible in the interim of a person working with a professional.

Campbell Consulting & Counseling has a network of providers

These providers are licensed in several states that collaborate on training events, mass casualty response, proactive wellness programs, and meeting the needs of this population to provide healthy approaches to those who work in difficult professions. At some point in everyone’s life they will be faced with a challenge, mental health from a conceptual perspective can be just that, a challenge or series of challenges that someone can learn to manage versus being managed by™. 

The Campbell Method® is one that, from a clinical perspective, seeks to address the challenges someone is facing in a direct, positive psychology, present, solution focused approach. Our philosophy is not to keep people in therapy for years and years, but to instead address what is occurring from a solution-focused and skill-based approach.

The Campbell Method®

A different approach to trauma therapy

Suicide is not about dying…

| Therapy | No Comments
The Suicidal Mind Who dies by suicide? Ask this question and you can hear stories from suicide survivors that demonstrate that anyone, of any age and any gender, from any…

Therapy is like Home Depot

| Therapy | No Comments
Therapy sucks! It is not uncommon for people to spend years struggling with mental health challenges. Eventually some people will seek therapy after years of negative ramifications associated with their…

The theory of …So What?

| Trauma | No Comments
What is Trauma? Trauma is an emotional, psychological, intellectual and physical response to an event that can occur in someone’s life that can have both short term, immediate ramifications as…