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What if I am depressed… doesn’t that mean I can’t be happy?

Depression is a serious and often very difficult situation to manage. Depression can present in many ways. People can feel persistently sad, empty, or angry. Depression can manifest in physical symptoms as well, chronic pain, fatigue, sometimes thoughts of suicide. 

Even with a diagnosis of depression that does not mean that one is unable to experience joy or happiness. Not everyone who is depressed is suicidal, nor is everyone who is suicidal … depressed. 

The Concept that Happiness is a Choice 

Imagine that each morning when you wake up you can start your day with intention, and each evening you are able to end your day with gratitude… choosing happiness does not mean that you must experience major episodes of joy each day, choosing happiness does not mean that you will never experience stress, loss, or grief. Choosing happiness does not mean that you will never get angry, lose your temper, or cry when frustrated. 

Choosing happiness can be soaking in the sun on a break from work, feeling the warmth on your face and allowing that feeling to spread through your body from your head to your toes as for in that moment you allow yourself to be truly present, where you are in that very moment. 10 minutes of unincumbered joy. Choosing happiness can be walking in the door after work and telling your partner that you know the family has a lot going on but that’s ok… you still chose them as your partner today and together you know that there is a light at the end of the tunnel. 

We live in a fast paced, voyeuristic society where many have not been taught to truly be present. If you are struggling with challenges in life… ask yourself… what would happen if I chose happiness today? What would happen if I gave myself permission to be happy? … Afterall I am a human being who deserves to be happy! Is it possible that if I look for the positive the negative will not seem so overwhelming? What do you have to lose by trying these things?

Maybe happiness is a choice and today you choose you.

For more information on learning the concept of happiness as a choice please feel free to reach out to us at